What do we want to read this month? Kafka 響け!ユーフォニアム:北宇治高校吹奏楽部、反乱の第二楽章 (前・後) Daniel 正義のセ 少年と少女と、サクラダリセット6 少年と少女と正しさ巡る物語 サクラダリセット7 Jenn 鹿の王(上) 天球儀の海(一週間で読んでみようと思います。)
Kafka — I read the first three books of the series while Kyoto Animation was airing the first season of its anime that covered the first of those books. They've since released a second season which covers the remaining two books of Kumiko's first year, as well as much of the content of the additional volume of short stories. I didn't realize until recently that a two-volume sequel had come out, and by sheer coincidence started reading the day KyoAni released an animated film which is based on this sequel, titled "リズと青い鳥". From the previews however, the movie seems laser focused on Nozomi and Mizore's relationship, which is far from being resolved and is hardly mentioned thus far, halfway through the book. So right now I'm drowning in foreshadowing, but at least I have very little potential for spoiling the movie, for anyone waiting to see it. One thing about these books that I really like that you might not know about if you're coming from the ...