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Showing posts from March, 2018

Review - 異世界のんびり農家 / Farming in Another World

I started reading 異世界のんびり農家 in February  and after the first 100 pages, knew I wasn't going to enjoy this book. This is an isekai narrative. A story about a middle-aged man who dies in our world from a long-term illness. He is then reincarnated by a god into a younger, stronger body with all the knowledge he had from his previous life, but in a fantasy world. From the start god gives him everything he wishes for and keeps persistently asking him if he wants more. He's given a younger body that will never get sick and a magical hoe that can transform into any  farming tool. He's then put into the middle of nowhere and had to create a farm from scratch. You would think this would be a great premise. Put out into the wilderness, having to fend for himself and working out how farming works from scratch. But with his tool and new body he doesn't get tired. When he builds fields the next day god fills them with seeds, so he doesn't have to look for them. When

Reading Lists for March 2018

What do you plan/want to read the coming month? Daniel デボラ、眠っているのか?:Deborah, Are You Sleeping? 夜空の呪いに色はない 断片のアリス Jennifer ビリギャル ラッフ(漫画) Kafka 新世界より<中・下>